Now that our FLOW Wassail (Wassail!) is done – and I yet again loose my voice from enthusiastic carousing feels like the new year is moving on. Just before that I was up at University of Birmingham with Walking Forest presenting performance and workshops at a Woodland and Forestry Workshop as part of our Future of UK Treescapes project MEMBRA. Talking with Small Woodlands, Forestry Commission, DEFRA, Natural England, scientists and tree people responsible for policy who we don’t normally meet or have the opportunity to relate to face to face. We’ll share a blog about the whole experience on – but the learning was very much that arts, creative and imaginative thinking and policy need to interact more (this warm response was coming from the scientists and policy makers). I’ve also learned in the last couple of weeks that I’ve been accepted as a Dandelion Fellow with the Earth Law Centre joining an international cohort exploring earth governance and representing more-than-humans in deliberative settings. I am really looking forward to what unfolds.