A time of reemergence – I’m just off from talking as part of a fascinating panel session with Heart of Glass Northern Faculty on ethics of creative practice alongside Kerry Morrison (co-founder of In Situ), Fox Irving and Stella Barnes and preparing for forthcoming trips to Loughborough for Fruit Routes (having not been up to the Midlands for over a year) and Coventry with Walking Forest. We greatly enjoyed co-organising High Water with art.earth on the highest tide of the year on March 30th with some support from Low Carbon Devon. You can find out more about this here. 60 participant/contributors from many different countries shared their connections to the tides across arts, sciences, research and pure love of global waters in a sell out event which despite its epic duration – 13+ hours (running high tide to high tide) was hugely revitalising. We are now working with Uni of Exeter & RAMM on next year’s iteration which will be in September 2022.
Finally you can find a link here to a podcast The Sea In Me which I made for Occupy The Airwaves (Dreadnought South West) on International Women’s day inspired by Rachel Carson’s writing and activism and including a raft of women musicians, writers, scientists and artists including Louisa Adjoa Parker, Shelley Castle, Hannah Martin, Ceri Lewis, Catherine Cartwright, Naomi Hart and Lora Fleming. Thanks to all these generous and warm people and Dreadnought for the opportunity to make my first podcast (steep learning curve!) More soon on next steps for Tidelines which are brewing and updates from Walking Forest in Coventry.